United States Senate unveils the AI Data Consent Bill

Policy & Advocacy Team
Policy & Advocacy Team
Mar 6, 2024


The Senate bill introduced on 19 March 2024 in the United States would require online platforms to obtain consumer consent before using their data for Artificial Intelligence (AI) model training. If a company fails to obtain this consent, it would be considered a deceptive or unfair practice and result in enforcement action from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) under the AI consumer opt-in, notification standards, and ethical norms for training (AI Consent) bill. The legislation aims to strengthen consumer protection and give Americans the power to determine how their data is used by online platforms. 

The proposed bill also seeks to create standards for disclosures, including requiring platforms to provide instructions to consumers on how they can affirm or rescind their consent. The option to grant or revoke consent should be made available at any time through an accessible and easily navigable mechanism, and the selection to withhold or reverse consent must be at least as prominent as the option to accept while taking the same number of steps or fewer as the option to accept.

The AI Consent bill directs the FTC to implement regulations to improve transparency by requiring companies to disclose when the data of individuals will be used to train AI and receive consumer opt-in to this use. 
The bill also commissions an FTC report on the technical feasibility of de-identifying data, given the rapid advancements in AI technologies, evaluating potential measures companies could take to effectively de-identify user data.

The definition of ‘Artificial Intelligence System’ under the proposed bill

ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE SYSTEM- The term artificial intelligence system“ means a machine-based system that—

  1. Is capable of influencing the environment by producing an output, including predictions, recommendations or decisions, for a given set of objectives; and
  2. 2. Uses machine or human-based data and inputs to

(i) Perceive real or virtual environments;

(ii) Abstract these perceptions into models through analysis in an automated manner (such as by using machine learning) or manually; and

(iii) Use model inference to formulate options for outcomes.

Importance of the proposed AI Consent Bill USA

1. Consumer Data Protection: The AI Consent bill primarily upholds the privacy rights of an individual. Consent is necessitated from the consumer before data is used for AI Training; the bill aims to empower individuals with unhinged autonomy over the use of personal information. The scope of the bill aligns with the greater objective of data protection laws globally, stressing the criticality of privacy rights and autonomy.

2. Prohibition Measures: The proposed bill intends to prohibit covered entities from exploiting the data of consumers for training purposes without their consent. This prohibition extends to the sale of data, transfer to third parties and usage. Such measures aim to prevent data misuse and exploitation of personal information. The bill aims to ensure companies are leveraged by consumer information for the development of AI without a transparent process of consent.

3. Transparent Consent Procedures: The bill calls for clear and conspicuous disclosures to be provided by the companies for the intended use of consumer data for AI training. The entities must provide a comprehensive explanation of data processing and its implications for consumers. The transparency fostered by the proposed bill allows consumers to make sound decisions about their data and its management, hence nurturing a sense of accountability and trust in data-driven practices.

4. Regulatory Compliance: The bill's guidelines call for strict requirements for procuring the consent of an individual. The entities must follow a prescribed mechanism for content solicitation, making the process streamlined and accessible for consumers. Moreover, the acquisition of content must be independent, i.e. without terms of service and other contractual obligations. These provisions underscore the importance of active and informed consent in data processing activities, reinforcing the principles of data protection and privacy.

5. Enforcement and Oversight: To enforce compliance with the provisions of the bill, robust mechanisms for oversight and enforcement are established. Violations of the prescribed regulations are treated as unfair or deceptive acts under its provisions. Empowering regulatory bodies like the FTC to ensure adherence to data privacy standards. By holding covered entities accountable for compliance, the bill fosters a culture of accountability and responsibility in data handling practices, thereby enhancing consumer trust and confidence in the digital ecosystem.

Importance of Data Anonymization

Data Anonymization is the process of concealing or removing personal or private information from the data set to safeguard the privacy of the individual associated with it. Anonymised data is a sort of information sanitisation in which data anonymisation techniques encrypt or delete personally identifying information from datasets to protect data privacy of the subject. This reduces the danger of unintentional exposure during information transfer across borders and allows for easier assessment and analytics after anonymisation. When personal information is compromised, the organisation suffers not just a security breach but also a breach of confidence from the client or consumer. Such assaults can result in a wide range of privacy infractions, including breach of contract, discrimination, and identity theft.

The AI consent bill asks the FTC to study data de-identification methods. Data anonymisation is critical to improving privacy protection since it reduces the danger of re-identification and unauthorised access to personal information. Regulatory bodies can increase privacy safeguards and reduce privacy risks connected with data processing operations by investigating and perhaps implementing anonymisation procedures.

The AI consent bill emphasises de-identification methods, as well as the DPDP Act 2023 in India, while not specifically talking about data de-identification, but it emphasises the data minimisation principles, which highlights the potential future focus on data anonymisation processes or techniques in India.


The proposed AI Consent bill in the US represents a significant step towards enhancing consumer privacy rights and data protection in the context of AI development. Through its stringent prohibitions, transparent consent procedures, regulatory compliance measures, and robust enforcement mechanisms, the bill strives to strike a balance between fostering innovation in AI technologies while safeguarding the privacy and autonomy of individuals.


Mar 6, 2024
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