Akira ransomware targets enterprises

Mr. Neeraj Soni
Mr. Neeraj Soni
Intern – Policy and Advocacy
Aug 2, 2023


Ransomware is one of the serious cyber threats as it causes consequences such as financial losses, data loss, and reputation damage. Recently in 2023, a new ransomware called Akira ransomware emerged or surfaced. It has targeted and affected various enterprises or industries, such as BSFI, Construction, Education, Healthcare, Manufacturing, real estate and consulting, primarily based in the United States. Akira ransomware has targeted industries by exploiting the double-extortion technique by exfiltrating and encrypting sensitive data and imposing the threat on victims to leak or sell the data on the dark web if the ransom is not paid. The Akira ransomware gang has extorted a ransom ranging from $200,000 to millions of dollars.

Uncovering the Akira Ransomware operations and their targets

Akira ransomware gang has gained unauthorised access to computer systems by using sophisticated encryption algorithms to encrypt the Data. When such an encryption process is completed, the affected device or network will not be able to access its files or use its data.

The affected files by Akira ransomware showed the extension named “.akira”, and the file’s icon shows blank white pages. The Akira ransomware has developed a data leak site so as to extort victims.  And it has also used the ransom note named “akira_readme.txt”.

Akira ransomware steeled the corporate data of various organisations, which the Akira ransomware gang used as leverage while threatening the affected organisation with high ransom demands. Akira Ransomware gang threaten the victims to leak their sensitive data or corporate data in the public domain if the demanded ransom amount is not paid. Akira ransomware gang has leaked the data of four organisations and the size ranges from 5.9GB to 259 GB of data leakage.

Akira Ransomware gang communicating with Victims

The Akira ransomware has provided a unique negotiation password to each victim to initiate communication. Where the ransomware gang deployed a chat system for the purpose of negotiation and demanding ransom from the affected organisations. They have deployed a ransom note as akira_readme.txt so as to provide information as to how they have affected the victim’s files or data along with links to the Akira data leak site and negotiation site.

How Akira Ransomware is different from Pegasus Spyware

Pegasus, developed in the year 2011, belongs to one of the most powerful family of spyware. Once it has infected, it can spear your phone and your text messages or emails. It has the ability to turn your phone into a surveillance device, from copying your messages to harvesting your photos and recording calls. In fact, it has the ability to record you through your phone camera or record your conversation by using your microphone, it also has the ability to track your pinpoint location. In contrast, newly Akira ransomware affects encrypting your files and preventing access to your Data and then asking for ransom n the pretext of leaking your data or for decryption.

How to recover from malware attacks

If affected by such type of malware attack, you can use anti-malware tools such as SpyHunter 5 or Malwarebytes to scan your system. These are the security software which can scan your system and remove suspicious malware files and entries. If you are unable to perform the scan or antivirus in normal mode due to malware in your system, you can use it in Safe Mode. And try to find a relevant decryptor which can help you to recover your files. Do not fall into a ransomware gang’s trap because there is no guarantee that they will help you to recover or will not leak your data after paying the ransom amount.

Best practices to be safe from such ransomware attacks

  • You must ensure that your database is regularly backed up and it is backed up offsite or in a separate network.
  • Make sure that you use anti-virus and internet security applications on all your connected devices such as PCs, laptops and mobile etc.
  • In your connected devices make sure to enable the automatic software updation feature as turned on.
  • Regularly monitor your devices and system logs for security check-ups and for detecting any suspicious activity.
  • Ignore the links or attachments of suspicious emails which are from an unknown sender to your organisation. Make sure to verify the sender’s details before entertaining such emails.
  • Conclusion

    The Akira ransomware operation poses serious threats to various organisations worldwide. There is a high need to employ robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard networks and sensitive data. Organisations must ensure to keep their software system updated and backed up to a secure network on a regular basis. Paying the ransom is illegal mean instead you should report the incident to law enforcement agencies and can consult with cybersecurity professionals for the recovery method.

    Aug 2, 2023
    Cyber Laws
    #Ransomware #Cybersecurity #Akira #DataProtection #CyberThreats

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