Key points: Data collection, Protecting Children, and Awareness
The evolution of technology has drastically changed over the period impacting mankind and their lifestyle. For every single smallest aspect, humans are reliable on the computers they have manufactured. The use of AI has almost hindered mankind, kids these days are more lethargic to work and write more sensibly on their own, but they are more likely interested in television, video games, mobile games, etc. School kids use AI just to complete their homework. Is it a good sign for the country’s future? The study suggests that Tools like ChatGPT is a threat to humans/a child’s potential to be creative and make original content requiring a human writer’s insight. Tools like ChatGPT can remove students’ artistic voices rather than using their unique writing style.
Does any of those browsers or search engines use your search history against you? or How do non-users tend to lose their private info on such a search engine?
Are there any safety measures that one’s the government of a particular country taking to protect their people’s rights?
Some of us might wonder how these two fancy-looking world merge and into, Arey they a boon or curse?
So here’s the top news getting flooded all over the world through the internet,
“Italian Agency impose strict measures on OpenAI’s ChatGPT”
Italy becomes the first Western European country to take serious measures about using Open AI ChatGPT. An Italian Data Protection agency named Garante has set mandates on ChatGPT. Garante has raised concerns about privacy violations and the inability to verify the age of users. Garate has also claimed that the AI ChatBot is violating the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In a press release, Garante demanded OpenAI take necessary actions.
To begin with, Garante has demanded that OpenAI’s ChatGPT should increase its transparency and give a comprehensive statement about its data processing practices. OpenAI must specify between obtaining user consent for processing users’ data to train its AI model or may rely on a legitimate basis. OpenAI must maintain the privacy of users’ data.
In addition, ChatGPT should also take measures to prevent minors from accessing the technology at such an early stage of life, which could hinder their brain power. ChatGPT should add some age verification system to prevent minors from accessing explicit content. Moreover, Garante suggests that OpenAI should spread awareness among its users about their data being processed to train its AI model. Garante has set a deadline of April 30 for ChatGPT to complete the given tasks. Until then, its service should be banned in the country.
Child safety while surfing on ChatGpt
Italian agency demands age limitation to surf and an age verification method to exclude users under the age of 13, and parental authority should be required for users between the ages of 13 and 18. As this is a matter of security. Children might get exposed to explicit content invalidated to their age or explore illegitimate content. The AI chatbot doesn’t have the sense to determine which content is appropriate for the underage audience. Due to tools like chatbots, subjective things/information are already available to young students, leading to endangered irrespective of their future. As ChatGpt can hinder their potential and ability to create original and creative content for young minds. It is a threat motivation to humans’ motivation to write. Moreover, when students need time to think and analyze they get lethargic due to tools like ChatGPT, and the practice they need fades away.
Collection of User’s Data
According to some reports from the company’s privacy policy, OpenAI ChatGpt collects an assortment of additional data. The first two questions are for a free trial when a session starts. It asks for your Login, and SignUp through your Gmail account collects your IP address, browser type, and the data you put in the form of input, i.e. it collects data on the user’s interaction with the website, It also collects the user’s data like session time, cookies through third party may tend to sell it to an unspecified third party.
This snapshot shows that they have added a few things after Garante’s draft.
AI chatbot – Chatgpt is an advanced technology tool that makes work a little easier, but one surfing on such tools must stay aware of the information they are asking for. Such AI bots are trained to understand mankind, its job is to give a helping hand and not doltish. In case of this, some people tend to provide sensitive information unknowingly, young minds get exposed to explicit information. Such bots need to put some age limitations. Such innovations keep taking place, but it’s individuals’ responsibility what actions to be allowed to access their online connected device. Unlike the Italian Agency, which has taken some preventive measures to keep their user’s data safe, also looking at the adverse effect of such chatbots on a young mind.