Unveiling SpectralBlur: The Enigmatic Presence in macOS Security

Mr. Shrey Madaan
Mr. Shrey Madaan
Research Associate, CyberPeace Foundation
Jan 8, 2024


In the labyrinthine world of cybersecurity, a new spectre has emerged from the digital ether, casting a long shadow over the seemingly impregnable orchards of Apple's macOS. This phantom, known as SpectralBlur, is a backdoor so cunningly crafted that it remained shrouded in the obscurity of cyberspace, undetected by the vigilant eyes of antivirus software until its recent unmasking. The discovery of SpectralBlur is not just a tale of technological intrigue but a narrative that weaves together the threads of geopolitical manoeuvring, the relentless pursuit of digital supremacy, and the ever-evolving landscape of cyber warfare.

SpectralBlur, a term that conjures images of ghostly interference and elusive threats, is indeed a fitting moniker for this new macOS backdoor threat. Cybersecurity researchers have peeled back the layers of the digital onion to reveal a moderately capable backdoor that can upload and download files, execute shell commands, update its configuration, delete files, and enter states of hibernation or sleep, all at the behest of a remote command-and-control server. Greg Lesnewich, a security researcher whose name has become synonymous with the relentless pursuit of digital malefactors, has shed light on this new threat that overlaps with a known malware family attributed to the enigmatic North Korean threat actors.

SpectralBlur similar to Lazarus Group’s KANDYKORN

The malware shares its DNA with KANDYKORN, also known as SockRacket, an advanced implant that functions as a remote access trojan capable of taking control of a compromised host. It is a digital puppeteer, pulling the strings of infected systems with a malevolent grace. The KANDYKORN activity also intersects with another campaign orchestrated by the Lazarus sub-group known as BlueNoroff, or TA444, which culminates in the deployment of a backdoor referred to as RustBucket and a late-stage payload dubbed ObjCShellz.

Recently, the threat actor has been observed combining disparate pieces of these two infection chains, leveraging RustBucket droppers to deliver KANDYKORN. This latest finding is another sign that North Korean threat actors are increasingly setting their sights on macOS to infiltrate high-value targets, particularly those within the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries. 'TA444 keeps running fast and furious with these new macOS malware families,' Lesnewich remarked, painting a picture of a relentless adversary in the digital realm.

Patrick Wardle, a security researcher whose insights into the inner workings of SpectralBlur have further illuminated the threat landscape, noted that the Mach-O binary was uploaded to the VirusTotal malware scanning service in August 2023 from Colombia. The functional similarities between KANDYKORN and SpectralBlur have raised the possibility that they may have been built by different developers with the same requirements. What makes the malware stand out are its attempts to hinder analysis and evade detection while using grant to set up a pseudo-terminal and execute shell commands received from the C2 server.

The disclosure comes as 21 new malware families designed to target macOS systems, including ransomware, information stealers, remote access trojans, and nation-state-backed malware, were discovered in 2023, up from 13 identified in 2022. 'With the continued growth and popularity of macOS (especially in the enterprise!), 2024 will surely bring a bevvy of new macOS malware,' Wardle noted, his words a harbinger of the digital storms on the horizon.

Hackers are beefing up their efforts to go after the best MacBooks as security researchers have discovered a brand new macOS backdoor which appears to have ties to another recently identified Mac malware strain. As reported by Security Week, this new Mac malware has been dubbed SpectralBlur and although it was uploaded to VirusTotal back in August of last year, it remained undetected by the best antivirus software until it recently caught the attention of Proofpoint’s Greg Lesnewich.

Lesnewich explained that SpectralBlur has similar capabilities to other backdoors as it can upload and download files, delete files and hibernate or sleep when given commands from a hacker-controlled command-and-control (C2) server. What is surprising about this new Mac malware strain though is that it shares similarities to the KandyKorn macOS backdoor which was created by the infamous North Korean hacking group Lazarus.

Just like SpectralBlur, KandyKorn is designed to evade detection while providing the hackers behind it with the ability to monitor and control infected Macs. Although different, these two Mac malware strains appear to be built based on the same requirements. Once installed on a vulnerable Mac, SpectralBlur executes a function that allows it to decrypt and encrypt network traffic to help it avoid being detected. However, it can also erase files after opening them and then overwrite the data they contain with zeros..

How to keep your Apple computers safe from hackers

As with the best iPhones, keeping your Mac up to date is the easiest and most important way to keep it safe from hackers. Hackers often prey on users who haven’t updated their devices to the latest software as they can exploit unpatched vulnerabilities and security flaws.

Checking to see if you're running the latest macOS version is quite easy. Just click on the Apple Logo in the top right corner of your computer, head to System Preferences and then click on Software Update. If you need a bit more help, check out our guide on how to update a Mac for more detailed instructions with pictures.

Even though your Mac has its own built-in malware scanner from Apple called xProtect, you should consider using one of the best Mac antivirus software solutions for additional protection. Paid antivirus software is often updated more frequently and you often also get access to other extras to help keep you safe online like a password manager or a VPN.

Besides updating your Mac frequently and using antivirus software, you must be careful online. This means sticking to trusted online retailers, carefully checking the URLs of the websites you visit and avoiding opening links and attachments sent to you via email or social media from people you don’t know. Likewise, you should also learn how to spot a phishing scam to know which emails you want to delete right away.


The thing about hackers and other cybercriminals is that they are constantly evolving their tactics and attack methods. This helps them avoid detection and allows them to devise brand-new ways to trick ordinary people. With the surge we saw in Mac malware last year, though, Apple will likely be working on beefing up xProtect and macOS to better defend against these new threats.


Jan 8, 2024
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