Parental SafeNet App: Ensuring Safety for Children

Policy & Advocacy Team
Policy & Advocacy Team
Mar 23, 2024


The Information Technology (IT) Ministry has tested a new parental control app called ‘SafeNet’ that is intended to be pre-installed in all mobile phones, laptops and personal computers (PCs). The government's approach shows collaborative efforts by involving cooperation between Internet service providers (ISPs), the Department of School Education, and technology manufacturers to address online safety concerns. Campaigns and the proposed SafeNet application aim to educate parents about available resources for online protection and safeguarding their children.

The Need for SafeNet App

SafeNet Trusted Access is an access management and authentication service that ensures no user is a target by allowing you to expand authentication to all users and apps with diverse authentication capabilities. SafeNet is, therefore, an arsenal of tools, each meticulously crafted to empower guardians in the art of digital parenting. With the finesse of a master weaver, it intertwines content filtering with the vigilant monitoring of live locations, casting a protective net over the vulnerable online experiences of the children. The ability to oversee calls and messages adds another layer of security, akin to a watchful sentinel standing guard over the gates of communication. Some pointers regarding the parental control app that can be taken into consideration are as follows.

1.   Easy to use and set up: The app should be useful, intuitive, and easy to use. The interface plays a significant role in achieving this goal. The setup process should be simple enough for parents to access the app without any technical issues. Parents should be able to modify settings and monitor their children's activity with ease.

2.   Privacy and data protection: Considering the sensitive nature of children's data, strong privacy and data protection measures are paramount. From the app’s point of view, strict privacy standards include encryption protocols, secure data storage practices, and transparent data handling policies with the right of erasure to protect and safeguard the children's personal information from unauthorized access.

3.   Features for Time Management: Effective parental control applications frequently include capabilities for regulating screen time and establishing use limitations. The app will evaluate if the software enables parents to set time limits for certain applications or devices, therefore promoting good digital habits and preventing excessive screen time.

4.   Comprehensive Features of SafeNet: The app's commitment to addressing the multifaceted aspects of online safety is reflected in its robust features. It allows parents to set content filters with surgical precision, manage the time their children spend in the digital world, and block content that is deemed age-inappropriate. This reflects a deep understanding of the digital ecosystem's complexities and the varied threats that lurk within its shadows.

5.   Adaptable to the needs of the family: In a stroke of ingenuity, SafeNet offers both parent and child versions of the app for shared devices. This adaptability to diverse family dynamics is not just a nod to inclusivity but a strategic move that enhances its usability and effectiveness in real-world scenarios. It acknowledges the unique tapestry of family structures and the need for tools that are as flexible and dynamic as the families they serve.

6.   Strong Support From Government: The initiative enjoys a chorus of support from both government and industry stakeholders, a symphony of collaboration that underscores the collective commitment to the cause. Recommendations for the pre-installation of SafeNet on devices by an industry consortium resonate with the directives from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO),creating a harmonious blend of policy and practice. The involvement of major telecommunications players and Internet service providers underscores the industry's recognition of the importance of such initiatives, emphasising a collaborative approach towards deploying digital safeguarding measures at scale.


The efforts by the government to implement parental controls a recommendable as they align with societal goals of child welfare and protection. This includes providing parents with tools to manage and monitor their children's Internet usage to address concerns about inappropriate content and online risks. The following suggestions are made to further support the government's initiative:

1.    The administration can consider creating a verification mechanism similar to how identities are verified when mobile SIMS are issued. While this certainly makes for a longer process, it will help address concerns about the app being misused for stalking and surveillance if it is made available to everyone as a default on all digital devices.

2.    Parental controls are available on several platforms and are designed to shield, not fetter. Finding the right balance between protection and allowing for creative exploration is thus crucial to ensuring children develop healthy digital habits while fostering their curiosity and learning potential. It might be helpful to the administration to establish updated policies that prioritise the privacy-protection rights of children so that there is a clear mandate on how and to what extent the app is to be used.

3.    Policy reforms can be further supported through workshops, informational campaigns, and resources that educate parents and children about the proper use of the app, the concept of informed consent, and the importance of developing healthy, transparent communication between parents and children.


Safety is a significant step towards child protection and development. Children have to rely on adults for protection and cannot identify or sidestep risk. In this context, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasises the matter of protection efforts for children, which notes that children have the "right to protection". Therefore, the parental safety app will lead to significant concentration on the general well-being and health of the children besides preventing drug misuse. On the whole, while technological solutions can be helpful, one also needs to focus on educating people on digital safety, responsible Internet use, and parental supervision.  


Mar 23, 2024
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