Project CyberPeace Keepers

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Project CyberPeace Keepers
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We live in a world that is becoming more and more interconnected, where networked technologies are more and more ingrained in our daily activities, augmenting and improving the way we do business, keep track of our health, get services, and communicate with one another. With more communities in more nations embracing the greatest experiment in human history - the internet, every year, this fascinating trend is only gaining momentum. However, along with the countless advantages of this tool, which makes the depth of human knowledge accessible at the touch of a key, come new hazards and new responsibility for keeping ourselves secure.

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The number of network-connected gadgets, such as smartphones, tablets, wristwatches, and even household appliances, has multiplied, and this has increased the channels and strategies that hostile actors might employ to try to harm technology users. When implementing new technologies that seamlessly enhance and integrate into our daily activities, it can be simple to miss these cyber risks, but the harm they offer is only expanding as the threat surface expands. According to projections, cyberattacks are likely to cost the world economy trillions of dollars over the next few years.

The strongest line of defence against cyberattacks has always been the development of end users' capacities and raising awareness on “how to be responsible consumers” of technology goods and services. Studies repeatedly show that most cyberattacks are the result of an end user making a basic human error, such as clicking on a malicious link or downloading dubious software. By exercising fundamental cybersecurity hygiene and remaining vigilant against online dangers, these attacks can be fended off. Such ability and awareness must, however, be deliberately developed.

Therefore, CyberPeace Foundation is proud to join with CISCO and Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) to explore the cybersecurity awareness among 5000 students in 10 states of India and building capacity of these students through a period of 10 months.

Click on "Find Out More" or Follow this link to visit the CyberPeace Keepers Digital Resource Hub:

Certificate IV in Cyber Security Monthly Intakes November 2023 to April 2024
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